Sunday, October 23, 2022
HomeAnimalsAn Elder Dog with Bone Cancer Was Chained Without Food and Water...

An Elder Dog with Bone Cancer Was Chained Without Food and Water in Drunk Man Backyard

GWARP received information on September 22 from a GWARP member that a critically ill elderly dog was being held in chains and was denied food and water. GWARP has been involved with animal rescue for many years, but this was the first time that GWARP had ever seen anything like it.

Although the dog seems to have bone cancer, it has not been treated. The dog has been chained for a while and fed only garbage and trash, which has led to osteosarcoma.

This is unfortunately true. The person who reported the incident saw the dog being brutally beat by her drunk owner. This type of cancer is usually caused by severe damage to the dog and then manifests as a tumor. He kept it hidden in his yard for years. It could only move two feet due to its short metal chain.

The owner, however, objected when the GWARP rescue team asked to save the boy, saying that they could not take “his property.” They consequently asked the local police for help.

“The dog nearly broke down in tears when we left him and went to speak with the police. After we had given him the necessary paperwork, the owner changed his mind. He stated that unless we “report” him, we could not take the dog.”

We accepted the need for medical evaluations, blood tests and treatment immediately after our dog was injured. We agreed to an immediate amputation for our dog. Histology will also receive samples of fabric. There is still much to be done.”

An X-ray shows osteosarcoma. This is a serious type of bone cancer. His white lung is clear of metastases, meaning that his chances for survival are very slim. The tumor is rapidly growing, and the skin is already tearing. It is constantly expanding.

Jordan had a long soak to wash away the negative vibes and sad past from his previous owner.

“The bad news is that there is nothing that can be done for Jordan in Azerbaijan; he must improve slightly before moving to Turkey. His departure date is in a few days.”

Jordan was able to travel to Istanbul to undergo brief sedation before the surgery.

Jordan’s tumor-ridden limb has been amputated, and the procedure has been successful. Everything went without a hitch.

Jordan had his leg amputated three days later. He’s a quick learner, and quickly adjusted to his new lifestyle. He quickly found his appetite again and began to love our food.

Keep sending him our best wishes for a speedy recovery and a long, healthy life. Jordan, we love you.

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