Tuesday, November 1, 2022
HomeAnimalsAfter six years, a traumatized rescue dog finally gets his bark back

After six years, a traumatized rescue dog finally gets his bark back

Scooby, a former fighting dog, has been carrying his trauma around with him for six long years, but now he is finally living “like a puppy” once more. Scooby was found by police in raids on illegal dog fighting rings. Chris, Montana, USA took in the traumatized and battered canine.

Scooby was a mixed-breed puppy who spent over a full year at a shelter before the legal matter was settled. Because of his history, he was almost certain to be put to death. The dog, who was between the ages of seven and nine, was horribly traumatized by the combatants’ treatment of him, but happily, one individual didn’t give up on him.

Chris, who requested his identity be kept secret in order to avoid being discovered by the dogfighters, had other plans. He rescued Scooby in 2016.

For six years, he has taken care of the mentally disturbed dog and taught him to bark and eat again.

Chris has been more focused on teaching Scooby how normal to behave than teaching him how to behave properly. Scooby’s misbehavior has sometimes been praised; when he began gnawing on household items, it was seen as a sign that he was maturing into a “regular dog.”

Chris, an IT specialist, has been working tirelessly to help Scooby. He even began barking and howling in order to help him regain his voice. Scooby was finally able to voice his opinion last year after a long process.

Chris said: “He was different than the other fighting Dogs. His temperament was very different. “There were two-to-three years of no sound. I was like ‘dude, we have got to change this.

“That’s one of my favourite things about him. His willingness to do that and change.” Chris came across Scooby shortly after his father had passed away, and the dog represented much more than just an animal to him.


He added: “When I found him I was going through a tough time. I was like, ‘I need company and this dog needs help. It was perfect.

“Scooby was completely closed down when I found him. I don’t think he’s ever going to be normal, but he doesn’t have to be.

“He was just emotionally broken. He just needed to be fixed a little.”

Scooby was found during a raid on dog fighting in Tracy, California. A couple was being held for having five fighting dogs.

Source: The Mirror



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