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HomeAnimalsA Woman Saves a Stray Dog by Giving Him Months to Live

A Woman Saves a Stray Dog by Giving Him Months to Live

Every room Bear enters will be lit by his radiant smile. You’d never know what the former stray has been through, though, because he never gave up hope that, ultimately, things will go his way. This is despite his infectious charme and unfailing confidence in others.

This is why Laura Forma (co-founder of This Is Houston) adopted Bear after the dog spent eight years living on the streets.


Forma told The Dodo, “We discovered Bear, but he was really terrified of us. As we tried to capture Bear, someone pointed out a home that Bear lived in. We went to the residence to speak to him. She had fed him for eight years.

Forma and her group could see a huge tumor on Bear’s face as they got closer. Bear required urgent medical attention.



He couldn’t have survived another day on his own, according to Forma. “When the lump was medically removed, it weighed three and a half pounds. It’s unfortunate that he had to carry that object about for such a long time.

However, Bear’s problems went beyond the mass. According to extensive tests, he had heartworm, heart failure, lymphoma and even cancer. Bear was given three to twelve months of life by the veterinarian. Bear had just learned how to love and be kind, so he planned to stay.



“He goes to the vet weekly, [and] we’re happy to report that he’s been in remission for a couple months now,” Forma stated. “As of today, there are no signs of cancer. He’s doing great!”

Bear will continue to receive treatment for his various conditions, but according to Forma, he doesn’t look like he’s been through much.


“He’s rainbows and sunshine,” Forma said. “He’ll wake up pacing around the house with a smile, and woofing at us. He starts every day off being happy.”

Because of his love and warmth, Forma and Tom decided to add Bear to their family permanently. The formerly lonely dog may now enjoy his favorite activity—car rides—as well as all the affection and cuddles he could possibly want.



“It’s crazy to think this perfect boy was a street dog all of his life,” Forma said. “He’s a constant reminder that life goes on and life can get better. It is a great life lesson to learn from him. He gives us purpose.”

Bear is now in remission. Forma, however, makes sure to enjoy every moment with Bear.


“[He has] brought so much joy,” Forma said. “He exuberates life and happiness. It’s nearly impossible to be around him, or even look at him and not smile. When he’s not there, you can just feel that something is missing. He makes us want to spend our days giving him all the opportunities to experience the joys of life while he still can.”


Source: The Dodo



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