Tuesday, November 22, 2022
HomeAnimalsA woman finds her dog abandoned in a park with the saddest...

A woman finds her dog abandoned in a park with the saddest note

Baloo is a young man of bright potential who loves showing off his skills. The 1-year-old retriever-boxer mix is very proud of himself after just just learning how to sit and shake, especially because he didn’t have the opportunity to practice before his rescue.

Baloo’s owners had left him in a dog run with a devastating note, but he wasn’t sure what he had done to deserve it. Luckily, Baloo was spotted by a woman in Arizona and she intervened.


“I was out taking one of my dogs for a walk, and we passed a community dog run with a dog in it but no owners in sight,” Lillian Engelhard, Baloo’s foster mom, told The Dodo. “I thought maybe they ran out of doggie bags and quickly ran to their car to get more, or maybe his owners really did have an emergency of some sort.”

Engelhard stayed in her car and watched over Baloo to help her better understand the situation.



“The more I watched him, the more I saw signs that he had been out there for a long time,” Engelhard said. “It was in the 90s and he looked very dehydrated and overheated. He was walking slowly and seemed very distraught. I knew I had to do something.”

Engelhard was excited as he approached Baloo.


“When I went to open the gate to the dog run, I noticed a note was shoved in the handle,” Engelhard said. “It read, “This dog is not trained!!! *I had to leave him. Please save him (Venom).”

Engelhard’s mood dimmed.



“I walked in and he immediately greeted me with kisses and excitement,” she said. “At that moment, I knew I had to help him.”

Engelhard saw that Baloo was a total sweetheart. However, Engelhard recognized from his high level of activity that he needed to be trained. Baloo became a highly active puppy after Engelhard started training him.


“He suddenly lived for learning!” Engelhard said. “Within a few days he could sit, stay, lie down, sit pretty (sitting with both paws in the air), was completely potty trained, understood when he could and couldn’t hop up on the couch or bed, did great in his kennel and more. All he needed was a little bit of patience and for someone to invest in him.”

The touching account of Baloo’s training and rescue may be seen here:



Baloo is currently seeking his forever home through Lost Our Home Pet Rescue. He will be happy in a home that understands his past and who will teach him patience and consistency.

The very decent boy would be delighted to show his talents if given the opportunity. He is currently training in preparation for his chosen day.


“He’s come a long way, but he still has work to do,” Engelhard said. “He needs someone committed. In turn, they will get rewarded with one of the best dogs ever.”

“He’s taught me … how hard work can pay off,” Engelhard continued. “It’s rewarding to spend a few days working hard to teach him something, and then see him do it all on his own from there on out.”


Source: The Dodo



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