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HomeAnimalsA Starving Pregnant German Retriever Finds a Loving Family Just in Time...

A Starving Pregnant German Retriever Finds a Loving Family Just in Time For Christmas

A home for a pregnant and malnourished golden retriever, who had been left in a field for days, has been found.

Amber, a four year-old girl, was found in a field in High Wycombe in Buckinghamshire, in March.


A stranger tried to rescue the dog but she ran away. A dog walker eventually found her and took her to the clinic.

Amber suffered from sarcoptic skin disease, and was constantly biting and scratching her red, itchy skin.



Amber was brought home from Elly Griffith’s 38-year-old mother by Adam Griffith, her husband, and their two children (ages six and nine), who welcomed her with open arms.

Staff members thought she had been abandoned after being used for “backyard breeding” and when her owners realized they would have to pay for veterinary help to deliver her enormous offspring.


She was then transferred to the Blue Cross facility in Burford, Oxfordshire.

Despite their declining heart rates while still in the wombs, eight puppies were successfully delivered via emergency C-section.



Because Amber was too weak and overwhelmed to care for her puppies, the charity had to step in.

The pups were named Theodore and Cider and Dougal and Kasper and Winnie and Holly. Volunteers and staff worked 12-hour shifts to feed them.


All nine canines were “touch and go,” according to the charity, but Amber started to gradually get better, and she and her puppies started to thrive.

All the puppies have been adopted and Amber, who was adopted in time to celebrate Christmas by the Griffith family from Witney in Oxfordshire, has also found her happy ever after.



Henry, a 12-year old golden retriever, died in May. The family then turned to Blue Cross to find a replacement.

Elly said: ‘We wanted a friend for Stanley after the sad passing of our other golden retriever.


‘The Blue Cross showed me some of the photos of how bad things had been for Amber when she came to the rehoming centre.

‘She was covered in horrible skin, and she was pregnant and very skinny.



‘All the puppies had been rehomed but Amber was still looking for a new home.

‘We have children, so we wanted to make sure Amber had a good temperament before we took her home.


‘When me and my two kids went to visit her, we just fell in love with her. She is calm, sweet and relaxed.

‘We thought she would be very scared after everything that had happened with her.



‘I don’t know how but she is so good with people despite the horrible neglect she has had.

‘She still trusts people and is so sweet and welcomed us straight away.


‘Amber loves the garden and loves going for walks in the woods.

‘It’s just been fantastic having Amber settle into our family and being able to give her the home she deserves after being used as a puppy farm dog.



‘This criminal business can be as lucrative as drug dealing. It’s nasty stuff.

‘Amber was so ill and they didn’t think she would survive having these pups so the puppy farmers just kicked her out and left her to die and luckily someone found her.


‘There are so many dogs out there like Amber that haven’t been so lucky.

‘We really want to spoil Amber this Christmas.



‘The kids love her, they love playing in the garden with her and we are all very excited for her first Christmas with us.’

Hannah Wiltshire, Blue Cross centre manager at the Burford rehoming centre said: ‘Poor Amber is just one of the pets we have helped this year and we are delighted she has found a wonderful loving home in time for Christmas.


‘We have never been needed more and I’m incredibly proud that our team of staff and volunteers worked around the clock to give Amber’s puppies the best possible start to life.

‘Without our help it is unlikely Amber or her litter would have survived.’



Source: Daily Mail



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