Tuesday, September 20, 2022
HomeAnimalsA New K9 Puppy Sleeps Through the Whole Swearing In Ceremony

A New K9 Puppy Sleeps Through the Whole Swearing In Ceremony

Brody, the new K9 puppy, was recently sworn in by the Bristol Police Department in Rhode Island. But the little guy couldn’t help but nap through the entire thing. 😀

The department brought in a therapy dog to help the force. Although it was unfortunate that he couldn’t be with many people due to social distancing it made sense because it came at a time when people needed him most.

“People are really stressed, especially in law enforcement,” Officer Keith Medeiros, Brody’s handler, told us. “Just by walking into the police department with Brody, people immediately smile, and they immediately get into a better place. They want to pet him, want to hug him and it’s just a really good thing.”

The video of Brody taking a much-needed nap was posted by the police to Facebook. It took on a whole new life. You could say the therapy dog’s already doing a great job of cheering people up!

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