Tuesday, September 20, 2022
HomeAnimalsA family rescues a puppy with a deformed face from rescuing him

A family rescues a puppy with a deformed face from rescuing him

Arrow is a tiny dog. He was born with the most terrible and difficult start in his life. Anybody who would have seen him as a puppy in such a heartbreaking state would have condemned him.

But he never imagined that fate would send him true angels as parents who would ignore his deformity – shocking to many – and love him as he is.

Arrow arrived as a baby at the PMM Rescue Inc. doors in a very pitiful condition. They discovered that Arrow’s jaw was severely broken. This was also due to a severe bite from another dog. His lower right jaw couldn’t be saved.

It smelled like rotting flesh and was so infected and necrotic. It was therefore necessary to remove the decayed bone. The vets were forced to remove the lower right jaw of the patient and part of its upper right side.

Dr. Sidhu from Bakersfield, California performed the complicated and prolonged surgery on Arrow over several hours. He didn’t want to leave until he had saved Arrow’s life and devotedly cared for the little dog.

Although the attack left permanent scarring on his face, it did not affect his personality which was bright and happy since he was a child.

A beautiful video of his story went viral. It shows his humble beginnings but also shows the great warrior and light-seeking creature that he has become because of all the love and support that surrounded him.

Arrow loves to eat, play ball, learn new tricks, and drink water while making the biggest mess….. His favorite activities include cuddling, slobbery, kisses and naps. He also enjoys accompanying his parents on long evening walks.

His physical disability and limitations aside, Arrow’s family still loves him as he is. Arrow, even though he is two years old, has not lost his puppy personality. He has always been active and playful at all hours of the day, and he truly knows that he is the most loved in his home, so he enjoys it and “does what he wants”.

Although his family is used to having to pick up the hundreds of kibbles that fall out of his crooked mouth when he eats, chasing him around the house, and having to clean up after him every time he makes a mess, his owner wouldn’t trade him for anything.

This story about an unusual dog shows that the truth of a puppy’s worth is not in its physical appearance. In the words of the Little Prince, nothing is truer than “What is essential is invisible to the eye”, right?

It was an interesting read, so please SHARE it with your family and friends!❤️



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