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HomeBusiness4 Takeaways from John Fetterman, Mehmet O Debate for the Pennsylvania Senate

4 Takeaways from John Fetterman, Mehmet O Debate for the Pennsylvania Senate

  • John Fetterman versus Mehmet Oz fought it out in Tuesday’s first and only debate.
  • The candidates engaged in personal attacks over the course of the hour and clashed with each other on policy.
  • Pennsylvania’s Senate race will be a key part of this year’s midterm election.

HARRISBURG, Pennsylvania — The long-awaited debate between Democratic Lt. Gov. John Fetterman and Mehmet Oz, the Republican TV celebrity doctor for Pennsylvania’s open Senate seat, were bitterly portrayed in a series of personal attacks and policy conflicts.

Tuesday night marked the first time in two weeks that the candidates had a debate on the same stage. The race is getting tighter, with Oz closing the gap on Fetterman. The outcome could determine whether Democrats and Republicans will control Senate.

Here are four key points from the debate

Fetterman recognizes his stroke

To help his auditory processing difficulties caused by a stroke in May, Fetterman used closed captioning during the debate. He admitted to his health within the first few minutes of debate and called it “the Elephant in the Room”.

“I had an accident. “He’s never allowed me to forget that,” Fetterman stated about Oz, who has repeatedly questioned his opponent’s ability to serve.

Fetterman stated, “I might have missed some words during this discussion, mush two word together, but it knocked me to the ground, but I’m gonna keep going back up.”

Fetterman was unable to speak clearly and stumbled a lot throughout the hour. Fetterman refused to release his complete medical records when the moderator asked. He pointed to the note that his physician released last week which stated that Fetterman is well and able to carry out his duties as a public official. 

After the debate had ended, Fetterman campaign applauded his performance.

“He did remarkably well tonight – especially when you consider that he’s still recovering from a stroke and was working off of delayed captions filled with errors,” Joe Calvello, a campaign spokesperson, said in a statement.

Oz addresses abortion

Oz, who has called abortion “murder,” declined to say whether he would support the South Carolina Republican Senator Lindsey Graham’s 15-week ban on abortion.

Oz stated that he is against any federal legislation regarding abortion and that states should decide.

Yet through his answer, he mentioned that he wants “local political leaders,” along with women and doctors, to work together to decide abortion laws – a comment that Democrats have quickly seized on in an effort to paint Oz as extreme.

Calvello stated, “Our campaign will put money behind making sure that as many women can hear Dr. Oz’s radical belief about ‘local politicians leaders’ should have as much influence over a woman’s decision to abort.

Fetterman, in the debate, stressed that he supports 1973 Supreme Court Roe v. Wade decision. If elected, he would codify this landmark ruling into federal law.

Both support fracking, oppose expanding Supreme Court 

The candidates offered the same responses to issues that might appeal to the Keystone State’s large number of independent swing voters.

Both Oz and Fetterman expressed their support for fracking – a technique to drill natural gas – and growing the US’ energy independence, despite providing conflicting statements on the environmental matter in the past.

Oz emphasized the importance of fracking in Pennsylvania’s efforts to create more jobs. Fetterman was however questioned about his past comments against fracking. He distanced himself from the question on Tuesday evening.

Fetterman repeated his support for fracking.

They also reached agreement on the Supreme Court. The rivals rejected calls to increase the number of justices on that bench. This idea has gained momentum since the appointment of former President Donald Trump, which cemented a 6-3 conservative majority.

When asked about 2024 Oz and Fetterman pledged to support Trump and President Joe Biden if they decided to run for the presidency.

Both candidates exchange personal attacks

The debate was fraught with barbarism, with the opposing sides sometimes interjecting and talking over each others. Oz attacked Fetterman on crime, Fetterman on wealth.

“Dr. Oz explained how he would restore Washington balance and find commonsense solutions for lower costs for families, and make our streets safer,” Casey Contres (campaign manager), said in a statement that followed the debate.

Fetterman stated that he was fighting for Pennsylvania’s “forgotten communities”, while Oz declared himself to be a “candidate of change”. Fetterman joined the fray, declaring: “You want cut social security!”

Oz continued to say, “I am the living embodiment the American dream” after the moderator had intervened.



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