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HomeBusiness12 GOP Candidates Refuse to Comment on Election Results

12 GOP Candidates Refuse to Comment on Election Results

  • The Washington Post examined 19 of the most popular races in the country.
  • Twelve GOP candidates declined to comment on whether they would accept midterm election results.
  • 18 of 19 Democratic candidates stated that they would accept the results.

Twelve Republican candidates for November’s midterms have declined to comment on whether or not they would accept the election results. According to a surveyThe Washington Post. 

The Post polled candidates in 19 of most competitive races across the nation, asking: “Will You Accept the Results of Your Election?”

Only seven GOP nominees indicated that they would accept their race results, and 12 others refused or did not respond.

Eighteen out of 19 Democratic candidates were asked if they would accept it. Kansas incumbent Gov. Laura Kelly, who is currently in a It is a tight raceOnly Democrat that did not respond was Derek Schmidt, Republican Attorney General. Schmidt also declined to answer.

Joe O’Dea was one of seven Republicans that said they would take a loss. Running for a Senate seat in Colorado.

“There is no polite way to say it. O’Dea stated that the nation has become a nation made up of cry babies and poor sports. We’ll be watching things closely, but once the voting is complete, I’ll accept the result.”

O’Dea suggested that Sen. Michael Bennet and he could sign off on the results. O’Dea said, “It’s high time America’s leaders behave like adults again.”

O’Dea, a former executive at a construction firm, won his primary in June. Hank Brown, an ex-senator from Colorado, has supported O’Dea’s candidacy as a center right candidate. Interview last month O’Dea statedHe is hopeful that Donald Trump will not run again for president. Trump continues to assert the 2020 election was stolen from him even though there is no evidenceTo support the Claim.

A poll has found that 529 Republican nominees are running in the election. 196 deniedThe 2020 election results. Kari Lake, a Trump-backed Arizona gubernatorial nominee, is one of them. She did not respond to The Post’s survey. 



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